The cake was so fun and a huge hit. I saw this in the familyfun magazine and have been dying to make it for a long time. Before serving it each of the SIXTEEN boys got to pick a piece off of the dragon. It was a great treat for them and a good time "waster" :) for me.
A fun tidbit: Benjamin saw the cake after I made it and said that is so cool Mommy. I think you should make some fire coming out of his mouth. What a great idea I exclaimed. So, I used the red fruit roll ups for the flames. What a great suggestion.
Whoops! Just for the record. There was ONLY 15 boys. Shalom was the token girl in attendance. O, and also. I could not have pulled off the party without the help of two great girls. Elizabeth Coplon and Lydia Grace. They were such great helpers with set-up, during, and clean-up. (That is another one of my secrets to getting it all done.)
1 comment:
First of all, you have time to waste?! Let me in on THAT secret!!:) That dragon cake is UH-MAZING!!! Peter and I both sat here incredibly impressed, trying to figure out what you used for each thing (If I'd known he'd get such enjoyment out of a dragon cake, I would've requested one for his 30th!..ha!!) - Bravo for welcoming these adorable kiddos into your home! What a wonderwoman!:) Much love! (Oh..and we picked up our pottery today - fun!)
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