I can't believe it. My baby. My firstborn lost his first tooth. It was so fun. I was at Kate's house eating dinner and missed the actual event. (I was so sad.) (To Taylor's credit he did have Benjamin call my cell phone but I had turned it off. I hate when that happens.) Although Benjamin was in bed when I got home he was still awake so I went and got him out of bed in order to hear the whole story....straight from the toothless boy's mouth. He was so excited telling me about it. The story goes like this.....he was eating dessert, a brownie and fruit trifle that I had left for them. When he bit into the brownie he felt a hard thing in his mouth, reached his fingers into his mouth and pulled out his tooth. I had told him earlier in the day that he might lose it during lunch (at school) so if he felt a hard thing in his mouth that it might be his tooth. I was several hours off but he knew exactly what to do when it was the right time.
So then we talked about the tooth fairy. It was a fun conversation. While we have a lot of fun pretending he ultimately knows I am the tooth fairy. So he kept trying to pry it out of me....the treat that he would receive. I insisted that the tooth fairy would only come when he was asleep.
The next morning Benjamin came into our room and got in bed with us. He didn't say anything at first so I asked him if the tooth fairy visited him the night before. He got the most enthusiastic look on his face and said "Yes!, but at first when I woke up I stuck my hand under my pillow and felt a baggie (Taylor had placed his tooth in a baggie) and was kinda sad because I thought the tooth fairy forgot, but then a minute later I lifted my pillow up and found that the baggie had a dollar bill and a stick of gum in it." It was a GREAT moment. I will cherish the whole experience for the rest of my lifetime. :)
How EXCITING!!!! That is such a milestone....and he is going to start earning lots of money i'll bet. if he gets new teeth like silas does, he could be a millionaire before he knows it. how fun a....miss you guys!
what a fun post!!!:) love that you got him out of bed to hear the story! i know that meant the world to him!
The excitement - the sheer joy and purity of it - from Benjamin and you is a total delight!
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