Before I knew what happened.....I not only agreed with Taylor that we would let Joel David get a kitten....I suggested it. I'm not sure what came over me at that moment. It must be all the love I have in my heart for Joel David and how much I knew he would enjoy having a kitten. You see, I am not an animal person but Joel David is. And for
him it was a great decision. This is the first picture taken of them the day we brought Oreo home. We've had him now for about two months and he has just become a full-time outside cat. All of the knots in my stomach over having a cat in the house have been untied and I can finally breathe easily once again. Oreo has taken well to the outdoors and does not stray very far from home. His sister lives across the street and they are best buds. They are either both at our house or both at the
Gettings house. Joel David has had a few panic attacks when Oreo has been out of sight for too long or "stuck" in a tree for any length of time but he is making it through with our encouragement. I have had several prayers during these moments asking the Lord that if this is the time for Joel David to learn what it is like to loose a kitten that He will prepare him for it and if it is not the time for this lesson that He will send the cat back home. So far....Joel David gets to keep learning how to love a cat. :)